""denial of service attack" or ddos"
firstly, ddos is short for Distributed Denial of Service attack. The reason there is a difference is because a DDOS must be... distributed! This is usually done through means of a trojan virus sent through spam email or various other methods of spreading. a "denial of service attack" is quite different in that you pull it off from one source (essentially). The term DDOS is somewhat ambiguous so nothing i've said so far is concrete by any means.
secondly, what you propose is illegal! I'm no expert so i can't cite the trials, but i know that DDOS attacks will land you in hot legal water. More specifically though, what you propose is vigilantism which is most certainly illegal in every aspect of the law (to one degree or another).
frankly, who died and made you king over internet content? i certainly didn't vote for you to decide what should and shouldn't be displayed publicly? Have you read the bill of rights recently? What was the first amendment again? let me quote it:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Guess what, if congress can't police it, you can't either! Even if you had legal authority, the bill of rights clearly protects speech. You have no legal grounds for dispute with 4chan or ED.
Frankly, your delusions of the being the internet's moral compass are disturbing to me. more disturbing than anything i've seen on 4Chan, ED, or any other shock image website. good day, sir!
At 8/29/09 2:11 AM, JoeyCentral wrote:
: At 8/28/09 4:29 PM, GiantDouche wrote:
: Your name describes your traits quite well, so there's nothing more to say.
: : Enjoy your low life I guess...
I love my life. I'm in all honor's classes. I have multitude of friends and a great social life. Why do you think going on Newgrounds means that you are automatically an idiot with no friends or life? That is universally untrue.
please unblock me so we can have an intelligent conversation. unless of course you're an arrogant twat and you don't like listening to reason.