Zombie master, you better pay close attention, or you'll find your life in danger. You have been warned! Also people, this faggot was obviously afraid of my pwnage response to his BS, so understand that he's the faggot of the situation.
Look you faggot! You're obviously too much of a pussy to have this 1v1 because you blocked me. That news post was to provide proof that you're one (or more) of the following:
a. You can't have a legit debate without the help of people to support your what you call, "proof."
b. Most of the pm's were nothing but fuck you's.
c. You blocked me from your news post and PM's.
d. You insult my parents who can't defend themselves because once again, you're a fucking coward.
So overall I think that your parents should have aborted YOU from this world, but then again; my parents aren't left wing nor are they fucked up atheists. So yeah, the difference between my family is that they're not adulterating this world, but your parent's pointless existence and their offspring (you) are only corrupts and morals.
So yeah, I doubt you'll even read this because you're too stupid. If that's the case, then let me shorten everything for you:
You're a faggot. Commit suicide and never waste oxygen again.