I'm fucking sick and tired of all the faggetry going on in Halo 3 Xbox Live. I can't fucking stand it at fucking all anymore! It's like almost every LV50 player has a low rank alt. I mean, today in team doubles, this 15 year old faggot claimed that he has 7 50's (lies) and yet he said that he wanted to lose. So he gave like, a shit load of kills to the enemy and was betraying me the whole fucking time! When I had the option to boot him, I was behind like 10 points. Then I was killing the enemy's and I was just behind them (about 2 points). Then, they got lucky and getting cocky by t-bagging me. So I quit the game and lost because of some asshole! I swear, those are the kind of people that I want to kill. So yeah, I can't fucking stand Halo 3's Xbox Live anymore. Of course, I'm just playing for fun, but it's hard to do that when these assholes stress you out like that. So yeah, share your pleasant experience about Xbox Live.
Play a game that doesn't have a community full of 12 year old faggots.