Okay, so the internet is a network that's connected by almost every computer in the world. Most money is usually made from the internet nowadays in case you're wondering. So basically, anyone can purchase a domain name and host their site using a language called "Hypertext markup language" or simply HTML. In fact, some sites use Javascript (JS) and even VB08 to their page to add more dynamic features.
Recently when browsing the internet, I ran into a couple of sites that are quite ugly. I mean, some are just soo bad that they shouldn't be allowed to be up on the internet. Believe it or not, the internet is actually changing the newer generation of kids into freaks? Well, it's true, and it's because of these sites.
So my plan is to "denial of service attack" or ddos these sites by overloading their email inbox that usually comes with their purchased domain. The sites that I plan to attack is 4Chan because I find that site to be quite sinister at the moment. Of course, Newgrounds is on my depending list, despite the fact that a lot of dicks have been insulting me lately. Also, I plan on attacking "Encyclopedia Dramatica" or ED as some people would call it. Just in case you're wondering what that site is, it's an illegitimate, bogus encyclopedia that is nearly, if not, just as bad as 4Chan.
So yes, if anyone is willing to do it as well, then the date is still pending because I have not made a decision on when to do so. I do believe that if we can unite and simultaneously attack, their bandwidth could overload, resulting in fucking up their server for a good few hours. Of course, we may have to fear anti-spam filters in their email system, so we'll have only one option left of there; break their security breach. I still ought to plan this out, but hopefully we can unite and restore the internet to the way it should have been.
Sign this petition if you support this idea and if you wish to help, please say so in the comments.
1. JoeyCentral
At 8/29/09 2:11 AM, JoeyCentral wrote:
: At 8/28/09 4:29 PM, GiantDouche wrote:
: Your name describes your traits quite well, so there's nothing more to say.
: : Enjoy your low life I guess...
I love my life. I'm in all honor's classes. I have multitude of friends and a great social life. Why do you think going on Newgrounds means that you are automatically an idiot with no friends or life? That is universally untrue.
please unblock me so we can have an intelligent conversation. unless of course you're an arrogant twat and you don't like listening to reason.